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Small budget. Big marketing.

Modern ways to do more for less


We provide committed, less-than-full-time senior marketing leaders who deploy our fractional model.

They know how to support a CEO, provide valuable counsel, and make your fractional Chief Marketing Officer, Marketing Leader, or Advisor feel like a full-time part of your team.

Instant Capabilities

If you lack marketing capabilities critical to growth and need to plug that gap immediately, we mobilize the complete solution you can afford. 

We will also help you hire and grow the people to drive your business to the next milestones, then gracefully step out of the way.

On-Demand Expertise

FRAXION offers expertise in every marketing specialty, available when you need it, one hour at a time. We answer the questions necessary to move forward.

We can also gather multiple experts for a collaborative consultation. We love giving you exactly, and only, what you need. 

End-to-end marketing expertise

Highly-efficient journeys

We're all about helping companies achieve more with less. We use fractional leverage to give you access to the key skills and tools you need. We get excited about optimizing your investment in key growth capabilities so you can punch way above your weight class. We're tired of companies pushing more than you require. In contrast, we focus on adding the right expertise at the right moments in the amounts necessary for success.


Denominator Skill Targeting

The trick to lean work that delivers outsized results is knowing how to target specialized skills only where they're needed. Our Denominator approach makes your blended cost of big results surprisingly small.


Right-Fit Automation Tools

Software is mesmerizing and easy to overbuy. We help you resist the siren song of apps and sales reps to focus on exactly what you need. We gather clear requirements, know the options (including the free ones), and drive objectivity.

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